Robert Zampano, Attorney escorting the Queen of the East Haven's 175th Anniversary. Later, Attorney Zampano was the youngest federal Judge appointed by President Kennedy.
Parade float for the East Haven Women's Club.
Girls with East Haven Women’s Club at the 175th Anniversary Parade. Men all had mustache or beard were “Brothers of the Brush” which was organized to see who had best beard which was part of the celebration 175th anniversary.
This parade float shows signs: "Bill's Belle's" and "Bro's of the Brush.' The woman facing forward is Joan Hurley.
Open Trolley Car, East Haven Trolley Association
Far right is Lou Criscuolo incoming president of the chamber shaking hands with I outgoing president of the Chamber, Sal Capanera middle left next to Mr. Capanera is Robert Williams who owned a business on Main Street th other man is Anthony Panagrossi who owned ACP Electric at 15 Maple Street and 744 Foxon Road.
Annual East Haven Chamber of Commerce Installation Dinner 1961 Held at the Foxon Country House.