Friday, November 28, 2014

Economic Development Commission 1980s

Mr. Lou Criscuolo came by and shared more pictures and documents concerning the economic development of East Haven, such as those below.
Mr. Criscuolo states: "Then came the beginning of the Industrial Park, today we have over 32 tenants. I take pride in helping to build the Industrial complex, a joint venture with the State of Connecticut. I was Chairman of the EPC for ten years. Today East Haven is a great town, because the East Haven Chamber working together with civic minded civic minded people. A town only grows where there are serious minded residents working for the good of the town. The residents deserve reconsideration of what was accomplished and made the town great. Believe it or not the town now has approximately 30,000 residents."
From Left to Right:Jerry Camaretta; name not know; Lou Criscuolo; Anthony Panagrossi. Discussion of the East Haven Industrial Park.

A 1968 New Haven Register page.
An article from the 1968 New Haven Register page.
From left: Chairman Anthony Panagrossi; Anthony Torre,Development Administrator; Vincent B. ?; Mayor Frank Messina; Mrs. Margaret Thomas; Louis Criscuolo.

August 3rd, 1970. Incoming Chair for the Economic  Development Commission.                    Left to right: Gerry Camaratta; Mayor Frank Messina; Lou Criscuolo.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Connecticut Daughters Pay Tribute to the Nation's Fathers

Here is an interesting undated photo from the vertical file.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chidsey Family

One of the kids in Dana Nelson's class was working on finding information on the Chidsey brothers.  I uploaded a number of items from Lydia Chidsey Bradley's scrapbook begun in 1872 including the following:

Monday, November 10, 2014

Local school teacher, Dana Nelson is again encouraging young minds in assigning history projects for these young students and working through the Hagaman Library and the East Haven Historical Society.  One of the topics was "Slavery in East Haven." I've uploaded a number of documents that can be accessed through the library's website on the left sidebar under

East Haven Historical Books and Documents Online

Scroll down once you reach the page.  You may find here the horrifying, as in this 1766 "Deed of sale for a Negro boy"

But also a document of abolition. Zebulon Farren, as seen in the document below,  purchased a servant girl, Sophia setting her free the same day for "divers good causes."

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Last Gas Station, Additional Photos

Last April (April 15th, 2013) we featured a story called, The Last Gas Station.  The station, was located at 556 Main Street and owned by Mr. Louis Criscuolo. It was, for many years, the last remaining gas station in East Haven.  We add here, some additional photos of the station.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

History Night, Tuesday, March 25th at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Hagaman's Coin Treasures from the Library Vault

 Join us Tuesday, March 25th at 6:30 p.m. here at the Hagaman Library for a program on Mr. Hagaman's coin treasures from around the world. This program is free and open to the public!